Explore the surroundings and animals in peace. The kids will love the sheep, bee nests, chickens and ducks. Camping is possible here, but it's windy and cold at night.
December 2022
Not much to see/do at the ranch (but we weren’t with a guide), but the tide pools were a hit with the kids!
Slide Ranch connects children and people of all ages to the outdoors and partner with community groups, families and educators to provide transformative learning experiences on our organic farm and national park land along the California coast.
We envision a world in which:
Everyone feels a sense of belonging and wonder in the outdoors.
Life-changing experiences in nature are an important part of every child’s education.
All people understand and value the connections between their own health, food and the environment.
All people are inspired and empowered to actively protect the environment and live in ways that sustain it.