August 2024 by Guillermina Sandoval
I like the customer service. Good variety, of drinks chips, cookies.
August 2024 by BreEsha Latrice Wynn Adams
Okay ?
June 2024 by A Jett
Employee was trying his best to get the fishing license machine to work but he ran into some difficulties but other than that its a nice little spot.
April 2024 by jose R
They steal your change at this station.
December 2023 by Jimmie Richards
High prices as everywhere
September 2023 by Gisell Corona
Very good
August 2023 by Ralph C.
My Grandpa used to take me to Bills Bait&Tackle to get clams, sardines, night crawlers or whatever we needed when he took me fishing as a boy. They had everything you could possibly need there. I've continued to frequent Bills throughout my life and they continue to have everything I need. My reason for only 4 stars and not 5? They aren't open on Sundays to get what I need. THANKS BILLS FOR ALL THE YEARS.
August 2023 by Sandra Lee
Just came for milk cause I was at the oak motel. I walked there .
June 2023 by Harry Samra
awesome prices .. very good people they help me find what i need . more over best liquor prices ... loved itwill be back soon
April 2023 by Nicolette Ewing
I asked for help with verification of items purchased after a very large transaction on my EBT card. A screenshot from the store surveillance video being ideal. I was not physically able to go to the store and so had someone else go for me to purchase one item so I just need to see verification that they instead bought $74 of groceries. The owner responded with a generic explanation and no actual verifying information. I would really appreciate if you could please provide the video evidence to show that it was $74 worth of groceries instead of one item. I'm really surprised and irritated that you chose to ignore my request and then left home where you have no access to the surveillance system for the store you own. Most people who have surveillance cameras have them linked to view on their phone or home computer. You were only willing to give criticism and your opinion that the card owner is at fault. Your opinion is based on your knowledge of this very common situation you participate in on a daily basis. You said that guys come in to your store every day to buy large quantities of cases of soda with ebt and you know that their intentions are to sell the sodas for cash. Your actively accommodating and facilitating these thefts and you have jacked up the sale price of 12 pack for $11.97 so you can profit the most of the three parties. When the card holder calls you up crying about the missing benefits your instant response is to tell them you feel that they are the most at fault. Even though they were acting in good faith and no intent to commit any crimes you blame them and dismiss them. The second party is the idiot coming to buy cases of soda for $11.97 each when family dollar has 3 for $11.00. The person you claimed bought 6 12 packs of soda from you on my card is the one who told me a few days before that they had 3 12 packs for $11.00 so it's just crazy that they bought them at your store instead. Their obviously of limited intelligence. But you are fully aware and understand exactly what the ansactions are and are able to refuse the sale. You could require an Id for large EBT purchases of only soda. You could offer price matching. You could at least help customers with verification
January 2023 by Narinder Sohal
Good for Grocery
December 2022 by Rinku Randhawa3333
All home grosary and liker all type good store
November 2022 by jose Campos
Good service
November 2022 by Kenneth Gragg
Cheap gas
November 2022 by bert gibbs
It's a store