Phillips Brooks School
2245 Avy Ave, Menlo Park CA 94025
Most Recent Reviews
February 2023
My 4-year-old had an accident while at PBS. He required 8 stitches in his face. I was saddened by the accident and the school's response. We made the decision to leave mid-year.
December 2021
An elementary school that couldn't be better! Superb leadership and teachers, outstanding curriculum. Small class sizes.
January 2018
We love PBS. We feel like the school represents an extension of our family in so many way. The values the school embodies, the commitment to community, and the focus on love of learning are all attributes of the school that help us feel like PBS is a true partner is raising our kids.
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About Phillips Brooks School
The Phillips Brooks School is an independent, coeducational, preschool-grade 5 day school located in Menlo Park, California not far from the 280. We are a highly rated and highly accredited educational institution. The school is commonly know as PBS and was founded in 1978 by a group of teachers and administrators who split off from the nearby Trinity School.
The PBS community inspires students to love learning, to develop a spiritual nature, to communicate effectively, to be kind to others, and to respect the uniqueness of each person.
Our core values are courage, community, kindness, and love of learning.
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Menlo Park, California