July 2021 by Google user
I've worked on \u0026 off at Moving Colour since 2012 (one of the first places to give me a chance as a freshly graduated animator) as a freelancer on short and long-term gigs, doing everything from stop-motion to 2D animation to editing, animatics, design, etc. The studio always has a very diverse collection of artists working in it, so you're always meeting other creatives from all walks of life and experience levels, several of whom I'm still friends and/or see back in the studio, even years later. There also aren't the endless days and weekends of work that some places require; your time has value as a freelancer and you work a normal day unless those occasional (very rare) tighter deadlines that occur. Work and life - what a concept! Highly recommended if you get the chance to work here.
January 2021 by Matt Barrera
Moving Colour is an amazing studio with so much creative energy!!
December 2020 by Matthew Wade
I've worked on & off at Moving Colour since 2012 (one of the first places to give me a chance as a freshly graduated animator) as a freelancer on short and long-term gigs, doing everything from stop-motion to 2D animation to editing, animatics, design, etc. The studio always has a very diverse collection of artists working in it, so you're always meeting other creatives from all walks of life and experience levels, several of whom I'm still friends and/or see back in the studio, even years later.There also aren't the endless days and weekends of work that some places require; your time has value as a freelancer and you work a normal day unless those occasional (very rare) tighter deadlines that occur. Work and life - what a concept!Highly recommended if you get the chance to work here.