November 2023 by Devon Conrad
Kind place with kind people. Really cares a lot about residents and goes above and beyond
September 2023 by Thurman Merman
BTS is overall a good place. The Gambling Director though is very poor. She takes her sessions with all gambling addiction addicts in the car while eating McDonalds and after you share, she says "I love it" with no substance to take in. There are other therapists that do a phenomenal job in this program. I just wish hope everyone gets well.
September 2023 by Barbara Treves
Love this place - my son has blossomed since being here.
April 2023 by susan white
This is a Jewish faith based addiction rehabilitation center. Not just alcohol and drugs, but gambling, eating disorders, etc. This is also my family. How do you describe your family? As well as i describe my birth family, i describe this place as the reason i am alive. Intelligent, dramatic, loving, insightful, in the know, innovative, pioneering, rigorous but most importantly a safe haven to find yourself with like minded people and just home. They forever changed my life. I am so grateful for the opportunities they offered me and the lifelong friendships that i formed and participate in to this day. If you feel like you dont belong anywhere and your Jewish or not in some cases, if you struggle with any kind of addiction or something that keeps leading you to a place you dont want to be anymore. If you love music, yoga, surfing, people you can count on to show up for you, if you are willing to make changes in your life and discover what your real passion is. Well....welcome to beit t'shuvah(which means in hebrew House of Return)....and welcome to the rest of your life. As the rabbi used to say when the community welcomes you into the house at your first shabbos...HANG ON ita going to be a wild ride.Oh yeah, highly recommended!!!!!!!
April 2023 by LA Tay
This place literally saved my life! I could not get out of the traps in which I found myself. I highly recommend it. You don't have to be rich or Jewish; just need a desire to live a better quality and more meaningful life. I loved the spiritual atmosphere for community that Beit T'Shuvah provides. I was able to explore the roots of my own Christianity, and I changed in fundamental ways.I found my soul mate counselor, Dr. Valerie Rope, at BTS, and we worked together from 2012 to 2022, when she passed away of MS. I owe her, Yael, Harriet and Rabbi and so many wonderful teachers, my recovery and abstinence from gambling. Freedom from the toxic gambler's lifestyle I was living, I cherish! Grateful doesn't even begin to say it!Yael Landa is from Israel, and really understood me. I highly recommend her as an advisor and life coach! She now directs the program of recovery from gambling that I attended.My Mom found this place for me, and I wonder if it would benefit you? I needed all the help I could get in 2012, and being at Beit T'Shuvah was forever life-changing. There are so many friends I made among the community of recovering people, and we still keep in touch and care about each other! I highly recommend the amazing Beit T'Shuvah!
January 2023 by Lindsey A.
Before I came to Beit t'shuva, I was broken, spiritually empty, and felt like life for me was over. After all, I was getting older. and time was passing faster & faster. I felt worthless, ashamed, and guilty for continuing to make poor choices on a daily basis. I had no idea of what T'Shuva meant, and how greatly one word would soon impact my life. Immediately upon entering the doors of Beit T'Shuva, I was greeted with open arms by so many great people, who would soon become my new family. I, unlike many people here, am not jewish. However, I was determined to focus on the similarities, not so much the differences, and become a part of this wonderful recovery community. I quickly realized that although we all came from different backgrounds, religions, and had different addictions, we all were very much the same. We all were human beings, we all had been broken, and we all still had the capacity to love without restrictions. My new family and I grew close, and although I felt they may have needed me, I needed them much, much more. And as my stay here at Beit T'Shuva comes to an end, and I transition to life outside this comforting and supportive community, I now know, without a doubt, what T' Shuva means to me .
September 2022 by Sarah G.
Beit T'Shuvah is not only unlike any other recovery community, it is also an incredibly warm, welcoming and inspiring spiritual congregation. I lived at Beit T'Shuvah from 2008-2009 and am thrilled to see it thriving today more than ever. It's not perfect, but it's full of love and light. if you're in any kind of recovery or just looking for an alternative to the stale, staid old congregation this place is for you!
September 2022 by Bri
they are a non profit,which just means they legally CAN choose who gets in.the "we accept everyone you don't have to be jewish" is fully acceptable as long as you are jewish! my insurance was approved and they STILL shot me down with no explanation when I asked why.
May 2022 by Rieve Reynolds
My daughter, mother of 3, is about to graduate Shasta College Summa C** Laude and will continue on to get her Master's Degree.Last year she was "Student of the Year."I have no doubt that Beit T'Shuvah inspired my daughter to not only turn her life around but to reach for the stars as well!One thing she particularly loved was the sense of humor that seemed to prevail there despite so many stories of struggle.I will forever be grateful for the Incredible staff at this Amazing facility- Well deserving of 10 Stars; I could not more highly recommend Beit T'Shuvah!
April 2022 by Adam M.
This place changed my life! I went in 2011 and going to be back in LA today! I miss the connections I made.
February 2022 by Tyler W.
I love it here. I've been here for 10 months and I'm not planning on leaving any time soon. I'm so grateful for this place and the sobriety I've gained being here.
October 2021 by Adam Rubin
Beit T’Shuvah saved my life. There is no place like it in the world. I have so much gratitude for this place, I just can not say enough. It’s more than a rehab, it’s a synagogue, a congregation and a beautiful community.
September 2021 by Sheri S.
Such an amazing group of dedicated people creating simple yet amazingly yummy challah!! Ordering and picking up was super easy. So glad I checked this place out and will gladly return weekly for such soft and flavorful bread.
March 2021 by Staci C.
Beit T Shuvah saved my life. I am almost 14 months sober and am so grateful for BTS accepting me back into their program again. Beit T Shuvah is the house of return. Zack Jones and Baer gave me a second chance at life. Baer answered the phone last December 2019 when I was at my lowest giving me hope. I am forever grateful for the amazing treatment team I was blessed with, Jessica Bader, Rabbi Kerry, and Julia. Russell giving me a chance to help sanitize and clean during COVID teaching me the importance of responsibility and giving back to the community. The community of BTS and the love that I felt every day aided in my recovery. The amazing PFs whom were always there for me, Micah, Crystal, Molly, Vinny, Asher, Kyle, Marshall, Jamie, Asia, Lily, Oleg, Ryder, Cynthia and Kathy, and Kathryn I am forever grateful for all of you for making such a difference in my life. Lastly, thank you so much Nanette, Kevin, and Rabbi Mikeal for always being there for me and Thank you Rabbi and Harriet for creating this wonderful beautiful place that saved my life. I am forever grateful to you!
January 2021 by Jonathan Silver
This place does save lives. This place rekindles broken spirits. This place gives you tough love yet transcends our obscured vision to limitless rewards. This place rerouted my Mental GPS I am sometimes lost in. This place took me out of the worst neighborhood to be trapped in. My own mind. This place taught me what it’s like to see what’s caging me internally. BTS gave me the equipment I need to tear down my mental wall. The program implemented my innovation, while warranting my mental emancipation. I finally made a return to a safe haven, my mind was locking me out of. No matter how we often forget this, I learned something here. We are more than just a bag of chemicals. Alone we are timid. Together, we are incredible. The ? is a beautiful place. We need to remember that. If you’re bored, you are boring. I was lucky to be in the midst of this beautiful struggle. We all matter. Love yourself and finally allow a no BS approach to finding serenity and inner peace. Thank you Harriet, and everyone who has contributed to this beautiful entity. Special thank you to Jeremy Pool. He is a brilliant young man who has an ocean of strength and wisdom. B’eit T’Shuvah shaped me and proved that we don’t have to think outside a box. We just have to expand it. I am forever grateful.