Onsite Battery Mobile Replacement
Auto Repair
7735 University Ave, La Mesa CA 91942
Most Recent Comments
December 2023
Very prompt service. They jumpstart the car to make sure the car is working, then test the battery. Replaced the battery for me right on the road. I highly recommend their service. Turned a crappy morning into a pleasant service experience. Thanks!
October 2023
Very professional and kind. Went out of his way to get the right battery and quickly get my daughter back on the road. Excellent experience.
October 2023
Very professional and kind. Went out of his way to get the right battery and quickly get my daughter back on the road. Excellent experience.
More Comments(6)
From Onsite Battery Mobile Replacement
Onsite-Battery a local Mobile Car Battery Replacement service in San Diego, CA. We have automotive batteries in stock for immediate delivery and installation service on-site at your location. Services includes car battery testing, battery terminal repair, cable replacement and recharging jump starting. If your are stuck with dead car battery we can fix your problem with a new car battery delivered right to your home or work and professionally installed on the spot.
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