July 2024 by Ivan Nguyen
Rude staff. On the phone talking while being rude to customers. Will make sure I never shop at this 711 ever again!! Tuesday July 9 at 9:15pm. This cashier no good
January 2024 by Jaime Alvarez
Dramatically overpriced items and the night staff is almost comically rude. Also make sure to count your change, i caught him once or twice short changing me.
November 2023 by David Flores
Night shift guy does not know how to cook pizza right was cold in the middle paid almost 10 bucks
November 2023 by Tammy Reed
They just didn't have my orange slurpee that I like that's why I go to that
August 2023 by Juvenal Fernandez
If you haven't tried Hot Dogs from 7-11, where have you been?Their so Good and Flavorful, me...plain Hot Dog, Mayo, ketchup and Mustard. Stay away from the Chili and Cheese. I'm not saying that it's no good but not on my hot dogs. But the chili and cheese is good maybe on some chili fritos ??Something fast on the Go.
July 2023 by Karl S.
This is the closest 7-11 to my house and I was thrilled when it opened. My excitement was quickly extinguished. Their slurpees never work! They have eight spigots and, at most, two are working. Today it was only one. They don't empty their trash cans enough so they are always overflowing and the excess is littered all over the shopping center. The man behind the counter is always scowling at us and yelling into his EarPods in a foreign language. He hates it when my kids come in with me and watches them the entire time they are in the store. Just go to the one a little bit further on Bolsa Chica.
July 2023 by James K.
I really love 7/11, but these workers/owners go out of their way to make sure you know they have nothing but contempt for you, for no apparent reason. Not once, not a fluke, EVERY SINGLE TIME they are rude to EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER. They flat out ignore you or yell at you. one or the other. The owners are also so cheap, they don't stock the correct slurpee cups or lids. You won't find a lid that fits your cup. Guaranteed. And the setup is clumsy and crowded with boxes and crap. I would be here shopping every day because I'm close by. But I actively avoid this one like the plague, unless it's an emergency. So twice a year I find myself in this store, and each time is worse than the previous. I give it another 2 years before they close down.
January 2023 by Joeleena McQueeney
10/10, would smash again. From cold winters to scorching summers, this 7-Eleven has always served Pina Colada Slurpees. In my opinion, we should show our respect and understand how great of a slurpee machine they have to allow the best flavor in all of existence to stay pulsating as much as it has! On the other hand, the lack of authentic Slurpee cups tickles my heart with agony. Other than that though, I would rate this 7-Eleven from a solid 7 to an outstanding 11 ??.
August 2022 by Sunset Aquatic
Paid$10.00 for a pizza!!!!!
August 2022 by Alex D.
Late night employee refuses to check out customers and closes the store to talk on the phone!
July 2022 by Sovannkoma T.
Smh ... 7-11? 24/7? Nope dude outside on his phone said that they are closed because his moping ... never had 7/11 let me down like this when it's late.. i hope he get charged roaming charges on the phone call
July 2022 by Matt Campbell
This 7-11 is the absolute worst in Huntington Beach. Sky high prices, zero choices on drinks, Don't honor 7-11 promotions. Rude staff. The list goes on and on. I drive to the Sunset Beach or McFadden & Goldenwest 7-11 instead.
June 2022 by Daniel Lawrence
Khan is rude, tried to not honor posted prices.
June 2022 by Heather Burdi
Loud music non stop for days on end in the parking lot
June 2022 by Heather B.
Boycott this place! This 7-Eleven has Grand Opening Celebrations every weekend with loud music, a DJ, and lights with no regard to the housing and apartment tracks directly across from them. They are no responsive to requests to turn it down and stop using a microphone and speaker in the parking lot that is small enough not to need either. Three days in a row eight hours a day. Great neighbors!