August 2024 by Mark Faria
Update on my review of a few months back. The new manager is doing an excellent job in fixing what has been left to decay. You can see the positive impact already.
The old “staff” is gone, finally.
Great improvement overall.
August 2024 by Raquel Meek
Nice place! clean showers,but jacuzzi and shower doors needs a little scrab job.
August 2024 by Nikki Anderson
Very encouraged by the new management! Place is looking cleaner and better maintained already! Staff is engaging and inspired to make this a better gym. Thank you!
July 2024 by Johnny Dub
Nice gym but crowded
July 2024 by Kyle Mears
Several key pieces of equipment don’t properly work. The list of broken equipment grows daily and takes weeks to be fixed, if ever. Every piece of equipment has dust on them and is not maintained properly which explains why they break so often. Equipment is rarely put back in a spot so regularly you have to look around for it. Bathroom/locker room is very, very dirty, like a public park. The staff is on par with Walmart greeters where you may get a faint “hi” but on the rare occasion you need them they aren’t at the front desk. They rarely enforce the gym rules for example allowing people to walk around on the gym floor shirtless. Just a poorly ran gym.
May 2024 by Dustin Stout
Always packed and have to wait to use equipment, sauna is always completely loaded up no matter the time of day.
May 2024 by Kitten Lover
Other than the messy bathrooms and hours this place has a great vibes. Something about it makes it welcoming and my happy place.Wish it was open more on the weekends.
May 2024 by MO N
Bolts of ground….. broken machines. Dust everywhere…Nasty bathrooms. Front desk staring at phone when people walk in. There is either no management or one that needs to be fired. I’m not being a Karen….
May 2024 by Bryce Sisler
Can someone tell me why the AC has been broken since like mid last year 2023 and still hasn't been fixed. It feels like im in the pool room for the whole gym it's terrible. The staff are rarely seen and it just been going down hill fast recently. I highly reccommend going to a different gym or location. Lastly I noticed during summer not as much now but the high school kids just take up so many machine with no parents around. There will be like 5-6 to a machine or two just standing and floating around. It just feels like a high-school gym. There should be something where a parent must be present if under the age of 18. Store is not open 24hours as advertise as well very frustrating.
Edit: I saw 24hr replied to my feedback as well as many others and yet nothing has been done over the past months. Please give some transparency and give your customers a roadmap on when they can expect said changes to be done.
Another Edit: It seems like there has been some improvements. First time I felt the A/C on in like a year so that's a win. Also they have a board when you walk in listing some issues they are currently working on/fixing but no dates or ETA when it should be finished. Currently there is still a ton of issues like the gym as a whole still feels very dirty/dusty. It seems like no one cares who works here. It's all about the bare minimum, sadly.
May 2024 by Marv
Clean the place. Showers & toilets are nasty dirty. Did you not learn anything during Covid?
March 2024 by Joseph Rudolf
Failed to open on time (again) today. About 12 times since Jan 01 that no employee shows up at 0500 to open. At least 30 of us were waiting.
March 2024 by Anonymous Reviewer
Get a load of the put-upon, non-smiling, disinterested girl at the front desk! Who hired her and who doesn't realize she has to go? Put someone energetic at the front desk-hell no, 24 Hr. Fitness takes an unhappy introvert and makes her the face of the entire gym.
Find a different gym. Don't get a membership here until this sour 25 year old is gone.
March 2024 by Cameron McPhie
Saw a review of someone complaining about people on their phones. I guess that person is just better than everyone else cause they don’t need rest in between sets ?
March 2024 by G P
Always packed with people sitting on the machines, scrolling through their phones and not even working out.
I asked the receptionist if there was some kind of policy of courtesy that involved not using cell phones at the machines, and she said no, YOU have to tell them and deal them.
It’s hard to work out here, also BC many machines have been broken for at least 5 months and no one cares.
Also, there’s dust accumulated in most machines.
March 2024 by Dariush Vassal
Not sure if this place is safe I noticed a guy go to the women's restroom from the swimming pool his name was David.