While the staff is courteous and friendly. Be prepared to wait 2 hours and an 1/8th tank of gas for 2 days of food. It was better pre 2020 but post covid it doesn't really seem worth the wait. Although it's still better than the nevada county food bank at least the food isn't rotten.
June 2023
It's heartbreaking to see how many people need food help these days. Thank goodness for the wonderful people who volunteer at Interfaith Food and the ones who donate.More donations are needed, so if you want to help, please donate. More food is needed. Especially fruits, veggies, and meats.
January 2023
They are open 3 days every week. To those who go there, it's nice to know that you have a choice on which day you are able to go get food. I know quite a few people go there who are working but live in vehicles (no fault of their own). The economy just sucks right now. They care and they're very friendly.