September 2023 by leah lajoie
I just started back there three weeks ago and it was perfect they were talking about the universe and the way it works etc. and then last week they’re speaker spoke about their life!!! Are you kidding? I don’t need to hear about your ego centric life… if they would’ve had a bucket next to me, I would’ve thrown up, and my friend agreed with me. It was the worst speaker ever.I’m lost for words because it was so bad…
April 2022 by Tom Buckingham
Wonderful Sunday Celebration, uplifting speaker, great music, and a friendly community of people who genuinely welcome newcomers and make you feel like you are part of something special and spiritual.
January 2021 by Juanda Moore
if you''''re looking for love and compassion and joy to fill you heart and soul, this is the place to be and see.
November 2019 by Beverly Sigo
The unity and depth of staff and general good energy - kindness and hugs. I felt wonderful hearing and participating in this community. We live in Visalia but drive was so worth what we felt immediately upon sharing with all these lovely folks. We plan on attending !! Thank you
October 2019 by Larry C.
Totally rejecting and primitive in "New Thought" whatever that is. As Dr. Robert Price put it, "God is my cosmic butler". North Americans are too materialistic and narcissistic to handle spirituality and since "The Secret", religion and narcissism blended. Early thinkers in New Thought, including William James, the only North American philosopher of note, had something to say that was enriching and pertinent but now, each New Thought community is a fiefdom usually run by some narcissistic person. New Thought is truly something to investigate but sadly, I've yet to attend a group that is truly open to any intellectual scrutiny. Yes, anything "spiritual" will come from the mind first. How can it not?
October 2019 by Carol A Reinard
Cosmic Carnavale was refreshing. Games. Food and friends.
August 2019 by Calvin Grover
It's a nice place, but if you are a devote Christian, please avoid this place because they do numerology, astrology, and tarot cards
July 2019 by Nicole Potter
I can't even bring the words the back of my teeth to exclaim.. how much I LOOOOOOVE this place! I walked in as a newbie and felt instant connection with NTC. I've been searching for years for my connection with a higher power and my understanding of my relationship. Well, I found it here. So excited to continue this new found acceptance and love from this community!
May 2019 by Melissa Knight
I call it “UNchurch” b/c it is unlike any other church experience you’ve had. It is a welcoming, affirming, loving, genuine group of people I call my tribe, and a place where love prevails. A community that understands that love and fear cannot co-exist.. People of all faiths and backgrounds are welcome. From
May 2019 by Lindsay Shifflett
My tribe. Welcoming to all denominations. NTC is an amazing place, you have to experience the energy to really understand.
May 2019 by Tammy Tatatakis
They are the most welcoming people I've ever met.