December 2024 by Mari N
Love looking at the curiosities 🌀
April 2024 by Willoughby Winograd
The owner is so incredibly kind. The prices are fair. I have never seen such an incredible collection
February 2024 by T. Leiph
The owner is very rude and grumpy. Told us to go to Walmart because we didn’t want to pay $75 for a broken toy. I asked how much the smaller toy was that was the same except not broken and he said it’s not less money because it’s smaller. I said I’m not saying that! I just want to know your price! I’d rather pay $100 for a non broken toy than $75 for a broken toy. He said go to Walmart. We walked out the door. Too bad for him I had my whole tax return in cash in my purse ready to spend.
December 2023 by Nicole S.
The store is aptly named! My daughter and I enjoyed our wanderings through this shop of curious treasures. When I asked the store owner how he came by his collection he explained that he was a just a bend in the river and things found their way to him. If you have the time to peak into the nooks and crannies of this intriguing store you are likely to find a hidden gem!
December 2023 by Rebecca Halas
I found Murphys curiosty shop last month and have been back every Saturday since then! I almost didn't go in because some of the reviews made the place out to be a little shop of horrors.I'd like to set the record straight! The shop is interesting even before you enter, starting from the window.If you think Goodwill is cool and organized common sense will tell you, I am not in Goodwill. I am overwhelmed. If you walk in and it looks dirty or crowded, you should think this is not appropriate for young children.I believe this is a fantastic shop for finding unique merchandise. Things have changed,and not in a good way. It's very rare to find anything antique, vintage,one of a kind anymore. I feel lucky to have found such a collection. As for Ricky, I find him very kind and very dedicated to his store. I say his store because it's his vision. In short this is not a free for all. I respect the store and Ricky. If you like the thrill of the hunt and finding things that are disappearing rapidly, go and enjoy! Work with Ricky and you'll see he is reasonable and fair. He's available for apointments and his number is available. If you have something neat to trade it might work out that you can trade towards your purchase. This depends on quality of merchandise and how much merchandise is needed. I think those who had problems shopping herehave every right to share their experiance.On the other hand consider the 5 star reviews. You'll be hapy you did!
November 2023 by Judy B.
Exploring Murphy's Curiosity Shop is like falling down the rabbit hole in Alice & Wonderland. You never know where you're going to land, but it's quite the trip! If you are looking for a specific item, Ricky will help you find it, though it may take a bit of time, as the shop is not logically organized and challenging to navigate. But if you're not in a rush, it's super fun to explore. A few years ago Ricky helped me find a gorgeous antique end table; more recently Ricky found a frame for a painting and framed it for me... he has a big collection of frames and artwork. Then he helped me find a marvelous collection of interesting containers, from old candy tins to used fancy cigar boxes (I use them for gifts of dried fruit I preserve or other things). Yesterday I left with two beautiful teapots of different styles and sizes. I've posted some photos of my Murphy's treasures below. This weekend I'll take a look at fountain pens for my daughter. I'm sure I'll return many more times for all kinds of interesting things, useful and decorative. You're not going to get flea market prices here but Ricky tries to be fair and will look up the standard going price of an item he's not sure about. So if you can leave your need for tidiness and order behind, text Ricky that you want to come, open your mind to all kinds of collectibles and get ready for an adventure.
October 2023 by Cassandra B.
Love this place. Worth the higher prices. It's a treasure hunt each time you step into this carnival of fun. Ricky is a trip and this place won't disappoint. If you want a cheap find, go to eBay. If you want a clean and organized store, go to an antique shop. If you want an experience, go to Murphy's Curiosity Shop!
July 2023 by Carissa R.
I found this place to be a treasure trove of cool unique jewelry and decor, collectibles, records, an awesome vintage sci fi book collection, toys, clothes, antiques of all kinds etc! I could have been there for hours digging through it all which is one of the fun parts of coming across a collector such as this. The owner has an eye and appreciation himself for beautiful things and relics of the past. He treated me with kindness and gave me a great deal on what I purchased. I can't wait to go back when I'm in the area! Highly recommend for people who LOVE finding curiosities and the people who share them in shops like these. Especially when they are becoming rarity in the Bay Area.
July 2023 by Savannah Gonsales
Literally it's just a hoarders house. I think the only way that this person was able to keep their the stuff close was by opening a "store" and trying to pawn it off as a "curiosity shop".
May 2023 by Jami Todd
I own 2 1886 lithographs from Paris of Cupids that were my favorite pictures. After buying two frames from Ricky the owner he offered to reframe them. Now he refuses to return them. What???? He's corrupt.
May 2023 by Trey Turner
Great place to get tetanus by all the junk strewn everywhere while being repeatedly scolded by a grumpy old man.
April 2023 by Deborah M.
Ridiculously overpriced, dirty and disorganized. Difficult to move around in. And few things are priced to begin with! Sorry, but I'll go where items are fairly priced and correctly identified!
July 2022 by Shannon Wilson
Unprofessional as it get!
January 2022 by Sarah M.
This place is a lawsuit waiting to happen. No where to walk, s*** is all over the floor, also if there's a fire. Well, you're screwed. I've driven by this place a few times, and it's always closed, but sign says, "open." Today, was finally my lucky day. This place was actually open! I was a little overwhelmed walking into this place, because they're so much junk to look at. I see this cool poster on the floor, and I'm pretty aware of the artwork, I ask the owner about the price. He replies, "$2,400." I'm laughing in my head at this point, to which I reply "that's really cool." He freaks out, and tries to correct me on my verbage. To which I think, "yeah, okay you old mentally ill kook." Everything I was interested in, the owner tells me it's $500 or that's over $100. Clearly, this guy is a hoarder, and doesn't wanna sell anything. So, he'll say the some ridiculous price when he knows it's worth $20. I found everything that he was showing me online for waaaay cheaper than what he was asking for. Not sure what the owner is smoking, but yeah. Also, thinking about calling the tv show "Hoarders Buried Alive" to help him make some room in his shop haha.
September 2021 by Judy Marolf Perez
Sweet bookstore with lots of good local info. Owners are kind & helpful. There is even a "littles" play area so you can browse.