June 2023 by William Pinnix
Great space with a mezzanine and natural light
February 2022 by Steve Lemke
With over 250 artist members and supporters, RAA organizes and promotes large art exhibitions year-round for its members and Humboldt County artists. A great community asset!
September 2020 by DeepSigh11
Wonderful local art. They change out exhibits frequently.
November 2019 by Charli -Crystal Perez
Great gallery full of local dynamic art
November 2019 by Rrambling Rick
Great Studio. Right in the center of everything, beautiful place.
November 2019 by Lindsay Murphy
Great venue for very talented local artists.
November 2019 by Signe
Wonderful local art. They change out exhibits frequently.
November 2019 by Talus Orin
Absolutely love everything about this place oh my God!
November 2019 by Barrie Love
Great local gallery featuring the many talented local artists of Humboldt County. Shows change every month. Don't miss the opportunity to buy affordable original art and support the arts community. Everyone needs art! :-)
November 2018 by Samuel Dorsey
Fantastic Curators and Art with regular open house events that often have great music. I recommend a visit anytime they are having an event.
November 2018 by Gary Neumann
Small, cramped, pretentious. Great idea but lost in translation. It's still in its infancy so perhaps it may blossom into and realize it's potential. Right now, however, the degree pretentiousness outweighs the substance of its ontological reality.
November 2018 by Linda Kosoff
Artists from all over can become a member and there's a show every month. Some are juried with prizes. Arts Alive, 1st Saturdays every month. It's a good venue to get your work out there