April 2024 by linda k
The notary and the bank rep., Kelly, are knowledgeable and friendly and made my account opening a pleasure.
August 2023 by Juan C T.
This branch have the worst service They really need to hire new staff Never come to this location
June 2023 by Christopher M.
Horrible customer service ! Changing to Chase next month. Nobody answers the phone during business hours and i had 3 different people give me 3 different reasons as to why my card wasn't working. Very frustrating . This bank is a joke.
September 2022 by Melvin Sandoval
Very satisfied with the service provided at this branch. I was helped by Noreen A Rosal and received excellent serviceThank you!!!
February 2022 by David H.
Really bad customer service. I was considering moving my business checking account to this bank from Umpqua since they have abandoned San Francisco. I went into the branch to gauge the level of customer service. I had some 20 bills I wanted to change to 100s. They refused to change them. The teller had to go and ask the manager who was sitting at her desk in plain view. She didn't even have the courtesy to raise her lazy head and just shook it. Now I know how they are, I will take my business somewhere else. I also have a credit card with them which gives equally bad service. Bye Bye Bank of the West!
February 2022 by Jeff M.
On line services are poor. I waited on the line for 40 minutes to get help regarding Zelle withdraws from Bank of West ( not Zelle app) and person listed and then said I need to transfer to on line services and I asked if I had to wait again since I had already waited 40 minutes. The person helping me said that she had no control over the waiting and that she could check the waiting time. It was 2 hours and I agreed to wait because the issue was important. I have someone who is telling me that they did not receive payment when in fact 3/4 payments were deducted from my checking account. Bank of West says that they are short staffed. I understand that staffing is a problem. However, there comes a point that if staffing issues are at a crisis point then your company should consider closing its doors. I don't trust Bank if the West with my money anymore. I have banked with them for several years. I think it's time to transfer to Charles Schwab.
January 2022 by Mabel M.
Checked website said open. Went there was closed and so was Ocean Ave one. Bad service!
November 2021 by Michael S.
Banker in this branch is not familiar with the business. Branch manager is arrogant and always trying to find excuses. End up wasting a lot of time. When asking about her supervisor, she said she reports to CEO. Not recommend.
July 2021 by Von S.
Listen ....this is the worst bank ever ...I'm a house owner and to have 2 incidents that comes up as fraud ...over $50 dollars 1 times ...in the first month of having the bank account -that's trash ....small banks are small banks for a reason !!!!!
May 2021 by Nikki F.
i really hate this bank, during the pandemic they charged 250 in overdraft fees and only refunded me 35. like how are you taking more money from someone who is struggling as is!? went in today to try and waive one they said no i can only do one a year LMFAO closing account asap and sticking to netspend.
January 2021 by Marie C.
It was a great bank until Covid hit. They do not practice the 6 feet apart rule as tellers are next to each other so costumers have to be right next to each other also. And they asked me what I was going to use the money for that I was withdrawing. Last I checked if it's my money, I can do what I please without the approval of my bank. I am not a happy costumer!
September 2020 by Syl N.
Worst bank I've ever banked with . Charged $70 in overdraft fees in 1 day!! That's is ridiculous! $70?? I don't mind the $35 fee but $70??! Go elsewhere when banking folks.
August 2020 by Dexter D.
My mom wanted to close her account here to consolidate her holdings. She is over 80 years old and just wants to simplify her life. We arrived at the branch and walked right in. There was a manager sitting at a desk just inside the door and two tellers. There were no other customers at the time. My mom told the teller that she wanted to close the account. She produced her State Issued Identification Card when requested. She signed what she was asked to sign. The manager came over to authorize the transaction and told the teller to compare the signature to the original signature card. I asked my mom and she said the account was about 40 years old. The manager and the teller spent considerable time looking for the signature card. Then mom was asked for her social security number. Then who Henry was (husband). Is he here now? (deceased). While this is going on, the line got 5 deep, the customer in the car lane drive away. And of course, mom got her money. 40 minutes later. That's why I will never deal with a bank again. Oh, the amount was slightly less than $2000. It would been easier and less invasive to simply withdraw $495 a day for 4 days and leave the rest. It would cost them more to maintain the account.
May 2020 by Tom S.
Its a pretty typical BoTW. The ATMs are in a weird spot but they worked with the usual hangups of BoTW ATMs - they hate business checks so you have to insert them one at a time.
March 2020 by Vivian M.
I am extremely disappointed by The Bank's efforts to help its customers during this global pandemic. Chase, B of A, Wells Fargo and many other banks are deferring payments for 2-3 months and adding those payments to the end of the loan term. All you are doing is giving us April and May, but then expect ALL OF APRIL, MAY AND JUNE in June!! If I can afford to pay you 3 months of mortgage payments in 60 days, why would I need the help.? Seriously!! It's very clear that your primary effort is to advertise green energy and political correctness, but let's focus on the real dilemma today. - a very REAL issue people are facing. We have lost our jobs and need the help!!! Your customers are crying for help!!! The least you can do is refrain from advertising that you're concerned about your customers. Even your customer service agent handling your calls admitted the bank should we doing more, but this is all the bank is doing at this time. Correct me if I'm wrong, but what you are offering today is what you offer any time a customer is going through a hardship. So, unlike other reputable banks, you have put zero thought into how to help your customers during this crisis. Also, you say you are taking every precaution to make sure your employees are safe. My girlfriend works at Chase and each employee on the front line received a $1200 check from the bank including additional paid sick days as well as lunch every Thursday. Wow!!! Now THEY can say they are taking care of their own. Again, so disappointed and honestly, disgusted. I hope you take the messages you are receiving seriously and make a change and show true concern for your clients and help make a difference. If you choose to leave things status quo, stop advertising that you are there for your clients. Just be quiet about it and let it be.