July 2024 by Brandon Garabedian
A gas station has to be pretty bad for someone to search them up with the intention of giving them a 1 star and scathing review. First, the carwash will leave deep spiral scratches in your car and you'll likely see rats in the grass fighting while waiting in the most narrow bumper/side mirror damaging line ever. The place is horribly maintained. Also staff here have been particularly horrible throughout the years. I just got my new car today and came to the realization brand loyalty to Shell means less when you have to deal with this garbage.
Also I'll save the owner time by copy and pasting the same insincere reply to every negative review here:
"We take your concerns seriously and we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Rest assured, we will share this feedback to the station operator for appropriate action. - Shell Customer Care"
June 2024 by Shanrock Callaghan
The car wash stole my money and of course the phone number they have listed for the shell station online isn't working
June 2024 by Jessie Salazar
Avoid this place if you can. The short older Hispanic guy here is absolutely crazy. You need to hire better people. I saw him pepper spray a guy changing a tire absolute nut case.
June 2024 by Tommy Tutone
Tonight at 11 p.m. I used the car wash. I did 2 weeks ago also. I've been a loyal customer here for the last 10 years since I've moved to this area back then. I've used this car wash many times and others as well. I KNOW the big white dryer plate that comes down at the end of the car wash is supposed to come down further. It is not coming down where it should so this car wash is not able to dry the vehicles as it should. I noticed this 2 weeks ago and again tonight. The person going through before me, backed up about a foot and when I went through, I realized why, because it wasn't blowing the water off of the hood and leaving windows and mirrors with water drops. That then causes spotting.
I stopped and tried to tell the attendant (again this was 5/24/2024 at 11:00 p.m. I explained the car wash isn't drying like it needs to. Before I could say the next word, he insisted it was working. "It's working, there's nothing wrong with it". I told him the air plate that lowers isn't lowering down to the level it needs to. It's stops too high up. He wouldn't listen to this or take the issue and report it. He just denied it all the way. Very persistent in basically telling me I don't know what I'm talking about. I asked him for the owners phone number. He said no he doesn't have it. He didn't offer any means of reporting a problem. Just said I have to come back in the morning.
That is so rude and uncalled for. There is ALWAYS a means to report issues at all businesses. I told him I am a customer and has been coming here for more than 10 years and I'd like a phone number or a way to report this issue. He still insisted I come back in the morning. That attitude of "I don't give a S#!@ about your problem and our machine is fine" is not what a business needs to succeed. That customer services deserves someone loosing their job especially since I see others with similar complaints, I know this isn't the first time it's happened.
Fix your blower panel / dry cycle or I will make it a point to use a different station altogether and you can thank your attendant for being a jerk and providing the worst customer service ever. This shell on Alameda in Burbank has had a history of attendants with this poor attitude problem.
June 2024 by Estus Vincent De Guzman
NO RESTROOMS? What kind of gas station has no restrooms?
May 2024 by Joe
The car wash is horrible...It did not remove even the smallest spots at all...do not use!!!
March 2024 by Ujwal Gattupalli
Doesn't comply the law to provide free air or water.
January 2024 by k4ve le
No bathroom On top of that gas is expensive too
October 2023 by Taylor C.
This place is managed by idiots. Worst parking spot in the midst of intersection on top of horrible car wash that makes your car worse than before. Gas pump doesn't even work with no sign!!!
October 2023 by m.Allison r0sad0
read the comments, - DONT COME HERE!!I went to the car wash, selected the midlevel at $11. it couldnt read my CC so i put in cash, it took 1 $5 but not the other & it wouldnt let me switch car wash type - it just printed out a receipt to get a refund from cashier. now it took the $5 it didnt before, and a $10 for $15 wash. when i parked by csshier for refund i noticed that the top wash didnt clean the hood at all. and this numbskull attendant basically said, i didn’t use correct change so its my fault. no its your machines inability to accept bills and then cancels instead of letting you adjust wash type! so clerk wouldn’t refund using more nonsense excuses. THE FKN RECEIPT SAYS “ SEE CASHIER FOR REFUND” .you HAVE to honor that. or i am going right to consumer advocates better bus bureau. gas is $6.50 & Shell is out here *literally STEALING* from ppl and their CARWASH DOESNT EVEN WORK!!!!& im telling EVERYONE what s scam yall run down there w/ yr ignorant cashier. gimme my damn money back. so sick of all the crooks out there
September 2023 by Ron W.
I came here for two reasons : to get a quick cold drink on this hot day and to buy the winning Powerball ticket ! Their machine was up and running so I am halfway there . The only negative : their public restroom has been 'Out Of Order' for a month now ! I wonder if its ever going to be 'repaired' !
August 2023 by Akilah C
No bathroom. Car wash and no bathroom!?!?
August 2023 by Jenisa Thompson
Bathroom doesn’t work- dumb
July 2023 by Gus G.
This is the most unmaintained car wash. The rinse cycle doesn't work. The overhead windshield blower does not come down. The exit blower timer is too short. My car is still dirty. The attendant does not give a you know what.
July 2023 by David S.
This has never been the best gas station but for some reason they won't fix their restroom. When I asked the attendant how long it's been out of service they say forever and the owner doesn't ever want to fix it. I see the employees using the restroom, so there is nothing wrong with it. They should just say that they don't have a public bathroom rather than lying and say it's out of service.