August 2023 by Cass B
Turned me away when I was starving. Expects people to fill out an info packet and be able to make the trek multiple times while having zero resources.I don't understand the response. That's what I said. You expect people to make the trip multiple times in order to apply for aid. It can be an hour trip there via public transit, even as a Burbank resident.
July 2023 by Christopher Slaughter
I volunteer for meal pickups. Center is important for lots of families in need. Donate pantry items and drop off in alley during normal business hours.
July 2023 by Rush Hamden
BTAS helps families through tough times. Great people.
May 2023 by Jordan Jones
No offense to the people here who are actually working on the front lines but my experience with this place has not been good. The people who run this place seem to have all the usual patronizing attitude toward the unhoused, which shows through in all the unreasonably strict rules.The message seems to be that we need to learn how to be responsible, that we ended up in this situation because we are irresponsible. I wonder what might happen if you people offered some help without all the humiliation? No wonder people don't want to deal with this and you have empty houses and hotel rooms allocated for the homeless.I skipped work last week so I could make it to the biweekly shower, because the YMCA paused their shower program. I missed out on $150 just so I could take a shower. Today i was in Culver City, where i work, and i woke up a bit late. I started driving to Burbank and saw that i was going to be 10 minutes late for my appointment, so I called ahead to tell them. They said there is a 5 minute grace period and i would have to reschedule for Friday, 4 days from now. All of this for a shower!I do not want your help if this is how it will be. I will wipe myself off with wipes until the YMCA starts their shower program again. Then I might not miss work again. I will make it out of this situation and it will be no thanks to you.
March 2023 by Adam David Narito
A little picky about the social distancing. But other than that, it's totally worth the trip to get what they give. Massive amounts with tons of variety.
March 2023 by John MARTINEZ
They've helped me through a lot- bit when I became homeless they gave me some papers and sent me on my way.
March 2023 by D P.
What a great service for the community! Caring volunteers assisting/identifying with individual concerns.
January 2023 by REALSTYLES11
Barbara Howell is the worst. Her additude is sour maybe because she is unhappy because of her weight and have control issues. I'm not homeless but needed help for food due to my income from Covid. I'm a very nice person and very friendly with people I use to do customer service and she lacks it. I wish her the best but she needs to change her additude.
October 2022 by Justin Barba
Great for everyday lunches you can ONLY REGISTER MONDAYS & FRIDAY the rest of the days are for people who've registered already hope this helps
September 2022 by Arlene Selfinger
Helping people who are going through a rough time. Showers a bad lunch daily. Mon through Friday.
June 2022 by Margaret J.
Who doesn't want to help others survive..... Go they that cluttered Pantry and turn some of that unused Winter Canned foods into a Blessing for a few poor Souls who would be grateful. "be Blessed"
June 2022 by Skip K.
This place is a joke - except it isn't funny! I have gone there three times now, for nothing. Not even a bottle of water to help me deal with the heat while waiting outside in 90 degree temperatures! I was referred there by another food pantry, as it is closer to where I am staying. The first time, the line was so long that at 11:00, they came out and turned away half the remaining people, as they "wouldn't have time to help them". I came back the next day, and made it inside, but they couldn't process my intake, without me having all of my documents. "Come back Monday, and bring a bunch of paperwork!" I came back Monday, right when they opened. I got in, filled out their forms, and was told I was there on the wrong day, because a friend had allowed me to stay with him, I wasn't homeless... Mondays and Fridays are for homeless people only. Oh, and there are different forms for people with a roof over their heads. I wasted enough money on bus fare that I could have purchased five meals! I wasted 15 hours of my time, that would have been better spent going back across town to the other food pantries; where they ask for your name, how many people you are feeding and hand you a bag of groceries. NO RED TAPE! At least I would have had food to show for my time! Bare minimum, they could use communication training. An even better idea would be to have a web site with their segregationist policies broken down so people know what to bring and when. (With a disclaimer telling them to arrive at 9:00am planning on spending the day there.)
June 2022 by Gabe G.
This place has been a blessing to the community in so many ways that I feel horrible writing this review. I have witnessed on multiple occasions staff members/volunteers disrespecting there clients. I would like to point out that the staff members I am referring to are/is the women that run and manage the front desk. The people that are working in the pantry area are extremely polite and more than willing to help everyone, they do a great job!! Burbank has a large number of people living in poverty and they come here to recieve help and assistance. It's no secret that dealing with the homeless can be extremely challenging but that's not an excuse to treat people horribly. I think it's sad that these struggling individuals must put up with uncalled for attitudes, lies, racial bias or simply being talked down to by the staff. It's sad to watch them do it to others. Like this disabled lady that waited in the back of the line. I had arrived at 9:45am and this old lady arrived about 10min after. There was approx 8 people standing outside inline. After waiting patiently for 1hr + in the hot sun one of the staff members came outside to make an announcement at 10:40am. The line was down to just 3 people left *note: the facility closes at noon and they stop taking in people at 11:30am* She came to announce that they could only take one more person and that we need to arrive sooner to avoid cutoff. They old lady begged explaining her complications with getting there and how much it cost her to get there and still the staff treated her as if she had done something wrong. I stayed quite and waited my turn to atleast talk with the staff and see what other assistance I can receive none food related and they got angry with me for asking for help. The situation was so sad and extremely offensive that the white gentleman who stood outside longer than I did gave up his oppertunity to get food and he made sure this old lady was able to eat. That man was heartbroken and he says to me that he was sorry for what he had to witness. It was almost as if he was apologizing as a white man on behalf of his own people. About 2min later He walks back outside and He said that he doubted the possibility that the only 2 black people left standing outside was a coincidence. The old lady was so happy she started to cry and thank jesus for blessing her. She even forced me to stay so she can give me half of what she got. While waiting she tells the staff lady that last week she was rejected for arriving after 11:30am and again today for no particular reason. The staff replied it takes time to put in your order so arriving an hour early isnt early enough. That's when I decided to document my experience on yelp. They've helped so many people get back on there feet it's a shame that after all these years we now have to deal with short tempered staff who have zero information to assist you with. Few years ago they would post up job, housing and services that homeless people need to help them out. Now you ask about housing or job info they get angry as if asking those types of questions are not allowed. The homeless community has a lot of mental health issues and you would think that the people running this facility have a good understanding of what it takes to deal with mental disorders or at least have patience with people that are struggling to comprehend
May 2022 by FTB LA
These are great people I appreciate them all I respect their efforts hard work and dedication it takes to do what they do every day
April 2022 by Renaissance Man (Neill Schutzer)
Great service for us. N very great lunches