March 2024 by S jackson (CryHavic)
Paid for a gallon of gas, got no gas & 5 different transactions on my card for it.
September 2023 by rayclydes orantes
Everything very good and very clean..
August 2023 by Deborah Reed
So far the cheapest Mobil in the vicinity
March 2023 by Mike Buttler
Decent. Quick. Nice at counter
February 2023 by Armando Garcia
Just a gas station. Nothing really stood out.
October 2022 by Deborah Reed Hunter
So far the cheapest Mobil in the vicinity
August 2022 by Rodrigo “Rigo” Rodriguez
First time at this Mobil gas station. It was like any other gas station. Honestly I gave it five stars because the cashier working the morning shift is a very attractive lady.
November 2021 by Mohammed Abosharara
It’s very good Gas Station Always best price for For GasEverything you want. They have it thereOpen. 24 hoursPublic restroom ,ATM ,bitcoin machine ,propane exchange and ice they do charge .25cents to use your debit but you get the cash price. Most places don’t do that. So if you get more then a couple gallons it pays off.
November 2021 by Rodrigo Rodriguez
First time at this Mobil gas station. It was like any other gas station. Honestly I gave it five stars because the cashier working the morning shift is a very attractive lady.
August 2021 by Javier Bercian Jr
Excellent service
August 2021 by Jaime Gomez
Good price
April 2021 by virginia niemann
Went to put gas the employee had his feet up. i stood there for a few minutes hw didnt say anything until I said hello. Hes always on his phone not good customer service.
April 2021 by Jose Rosales
Fuel guzzle never works. Scanning credit card not working. Always heavy rock music.
April 2021 by CowCommander1
Card readers never work here , always have to go somewhere else and this is the only gas station that ever gives me issues with using credit or debit.
October 2020 by Jason Morimoto
Mo is a great and helpful individual.