March 2024 by Bryan C.
Probably a high theft area. I can tell because of how much I get indiscreetly followed up until I am checking out. Will not be using self-check out again. Need to train their employees better at not being so obvious! Also, probably a racism/profiling training is in order.
March 2024 by Alice H.
Honestly if I could give zero stars I would! I would say that my recent trip to target was pretty awkward and just all around one of my worst target visits ever. I've been going to the Albany target since it opened and it's always been the best target by far! But ever since their remodel in 2022 I haven't gone much because they really took alot that made it unique out. So at My most recent visit yesterday evening from the second I walked in to the store with my bf we were being followed! Not once were we greeted or asked if we needed help but every aisle I went down the same associate was just there awkwardly walking around being aloof or just staring at random products... not doing anything it was just very lame uncomfortable and extremely rude. I needed new jeans and wanted to check out their selection but their clothing selection I think is really going down hill! Worse material and looks yet way more expensive prices that just don't compute. After trying out a few different things I found a couple that I liked but just wanted an opinion on them so as I'm showing my bf this associate comes closer to us than ever which I thought was super excessive we both just kinda paused and side eyed her like.... Can we help you? Anyways I was just over it by then and I'm not going to continue shopping if I'm being made to feel like I'm some kind of criminal so I walked to the registers which only 2 were open and waited in line to be wrung up when it was our turn this same lady walks up behind us and says very loudly in my ear to the woman ringing that she " was going to go on her last break now" like 4 times and her coworker just gave her I could care less look and rolled her eyes. The associate then proceeded to just stand in line behind us on her phone leaning on the conveyor belt. Very very weird but maybe that explains why it was so dead in the store? Also I really have higher expectations for everything being at overly high prices. I mean for God sakes, I was looking at tweezers and the cheapest option we could find was a single pair for $20. That's insane.
February 2024 by John W.
Just came from this target and the university ave. store. Daily the prices increase at exorbitant rates! 10%. 20%. Non stop! Also in groceries there are two brands of hummus. Good and Gather, slightly less than the other: SABRA... made in the Apartheid Israel which I and most of my friends will NOT buy. Genocide hummus is ugly and ethically infeasible. There are two sizes for each: Family size, slightly better deal on both brands BUT you rarely HAVE family size Good & Gather which looks like conspiracy to purchase Sabra... which I will not do. Greed gives you 2 stars
February 2024 by Kellan Sanchez
Dope place, wish I had wifi here tho
February 2024 by Kathryn F.
I wanted to get this target better with you but everything's locked up. It's really hard to find an employee. They do have a Starbucks there that offers refills on your coffee or tea all in all it's OK.
January 2024 by Eric S.
Bought a $50 gift card as a birthday present for one of my son's friend's birthday. When he tried to spend it on a gift, the funds had already been used. The mom called Visa and got nothing. I reported it to customer service at the store and they gave zero Fs. They just said, "Yeah, that's been happening," and gave off the vibe they didn't want me there anymore. I do my best not to shop here anymore.
January 2024 by Greg M.
More shelves are locked behind doors, requiring a button to call somebody to open it. In the 3-5 minutes waiting around for somebody to reach the skincare section, that gave me enough time to find the same things were cheaper on Amazon.
January 2024 by Leslie B.
Best customer service!! young man named Julian helped me, ive never had a problem with the front desk. He was very sweet and helped me find my items.
December 2023 by Jane D.
My daughter ordered $172 worth of items. A $10 item was delivered. A $40 item is not yet delivered. And a $110 item was 'cancelled' - no explanation, no email, just cancelled. The money has not been refunded to her account. No one answers the phone at target. Every extension just rings and rings, then disconnects. What kind of way is this to run a business? They're not making enough money to hire extra help over the holidays?
December 2023 by Matt C.
Our tree lights blew up. Went to two targets. Two weeks before Xmas. Shelves are empty. No decs. I don't get it. And now I'm hangry so I drove to two targets for nothing. Weak sauce Target.
December 2023 by Heidi W.
I come here to this Target regularly and recently came for a vaccine at the CVS Pharmacy. I was an hour late for my appointment but they did not bat an eye - I was helped immediately and kindly treated. (unlike other CVS locations where you can not hardly get a person's attention behind the counter). Overall, this store is reasonably clean and well stocked. Check-out is always fast. I've never had to wait more than a few minutes for no-hassle returns. Parking is abundant and well lit. On another recent trip here a checker told me she recently transferred here from another Target location and was much happier with this one. So, here is a well deserved positive review for our neighborhood, underappreciated Target!
November 2023 by John Garcia
Can't get cell phone reception in the buildingBad serviceSlow checkoutDirty
November 2023 by Ricky P.
Ever since they locked up the baby section a 5 minute target run turns into an hour. Tried to get formula twice, each time I activated the sensor and waited, activating the sensor again every few minutes. Employees walking by, not helping. Finally start finding employees to ask for help and am told "no" with nothing else, no direction. It takes an hour before I can find someone who's willing and able to help.
October 2023 by Guccii K.
I go into target to exchange my Apple air pods max. The store associate tells me that. I didn't buy these from target . I said excuse me I purchased this right on my target credit card. They are defectiveI just want a new pair. So he is checking the serial number but was looking at the wrong serial number. Then says they match. But you already accused me of trying to return something to target. That wasn't your product or bought in your store. This is not okay and I want to speak to upper management about this situation
October 2023 by Thomas C.
Ever since Albany Target had a remodel a few years back, I've stopped going because of how they took away many things that was interesting to men. No watches. No sunglasses. Where's the sports & camping? They used to have lots of flashlight. I guess they want you to be in the dark when the power goes out. No dvd. Instead of going every month, I go once a year & it's harder to find things after the refresh. And I am not alone, there's hardly any men here, they lost 50% of their business to focus only on women. Target was just a waste of gas anyways if you shop on Amazon.