North Surrey Auto Mall
Auto Repair
15377 Guildford Dr, Surrey BC V3R 0H9
Most Recent Comments
October 2023
I guess it's everything here owned by Jim Pattison group. I've seen Toyota, Hyundai, Volkswagen, Jeep showrooms, and service centers. It's a nice block, very close to Guildford Town Center and Highway 1.
September 2023
Good place to buy service cars etc. One stop for different auto makers and models.
August 2023
Very good customer service I love it and they have a lot of great deals on vehicles
More Comments(30)
From North Surrey Auto Mall
North Surrey Auto Mall is your premier retailer of new Chrysler, Ram, Jeep, Dodge, Hyundai, Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo vehicles. Shop over 800 used vehicles. Our dedicated service and sales staff and top-trained technicians will provide you with the highest level of automotive expertise and customer care. Visit us today only 5 minutes from Guildford Mall.
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