Clair Downey Service - Auto Repair Sidney
Auto RepairHours:
9429 Canora Rd, Sidney BC V8L 1P2 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
July 2024
Great people and have the knowledge to do the work or know we're to find it
December 2023
Outstanding service, competitive prices, highly recommend this team!
November 2023
I’m really impressed with the great customer service I recently experienced at this shop.I will come back.Thank youService: General repairs & maintenance
More Comments(57)
About Clair Downey Service - Auto Repair Sidney
Clair Downey Service has been a known name in the community since the 1950’s. Since that time, the business has changed with the times but has never forgotten the old fashioned service. As well as being a Provincial Designated Inspection Facility, Clair Downey specializes in warranty approved vehicle maintenance and comprehensive repairs at competitive prices. Licensed technicians use the latest equipment and continually upgrade their skills to stay current with changing technology. From courtesy cars to customer shuttle service, the staff will tailor your next appointment to your schedule. Drop in or call so the Clair Downey Team can prove that customer service is still their #1 goal and not a thing of the past.
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