Buy Sell Tires

Auto Repair, Tire Dealers
27452 Fraser Hwy, Aldergrove BC V4W 2N5


9AM - 6PM
9AM - 6PM
9AM - 6PM
9AM - 6PM
9AM - 6PM
9AM - 5PM
9AM - 5PM

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About Buy Sell Tires

Buysell Tires is the hardest working shop around we will do whatever is needed to get your tire problems solved. Used tires with 90% tread or the best value on new Tires. We carry all name brands as we buy tires from anyone that wants to sell there tires. Buysell Tires is family business with years experience. Anyone can sell new tires it takes experience to understand pre owned tires. Over the years we are always working and learning how do do what we do better. We always give you what we would put on our own cars. Are you a tow truck company looking to sell your tires call 604 625 Tire. Buysell Tires provides the best tire repair services out there as there is no tire patch we have not seen. If the tire can be fixed we can fix it.

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