November 2023 by Patty Sitzes Peterson
Great Store
July 2023 by Michelle Brooks
This is my first time reviewing something.Dollar general is a great store. They have a good variety of stuff for you to look at and the prices are pretty low.You can download the DG app from the play store. Then when you log in to the app you can do a lot of stuff you can sell or we can just either have a party.
March 2023 by Leia Z.
On Nov 1, 2022- a DG delivery truck came down my residential street, hooked the top of his truck on my electric and internet wires, kept driving, pulling the wires taught and then eventually snapping them sending them arching down to the ground almost catching the dry fall leaves on fire and just missing somebody in my yard by inches! The driver never stopped. This is a hit and run. I have photos of damage and a police report including testimony of witnesses!! It has resulted in an $1100 electrician bill, a week of lost wages, a damaged roof, and now months of headache. I am now having to start making payments on this bill since DG is not taking responsibility. This money is literally taking food out of my daughter's mouth! I am a single mama in a small town - this is absolutely unacceptable. I will be contacting lawyers and media next! This is not an upstanding company to support even though they monopolize small towns!!!
November 2022 by Dennis Snible
Poorly stocked
August 2022 by Michael Harris
What's up with the guy with the stripped down bicycle, like 4 bags, and a piece of cardboard, lookin like he's high on acid or mushrooms? Pulled in today and he was at tge end of the building rolling round on the cardboard, looking like he was trying to do an oil change on an invisible truck.
November 2021 by Rtgirl
Great people
November 2021 by Timmy Foster
Good service
November 2021 by Andrew Wojacek
Brand new. Great location. But its just a dollar general.
November 2021 by Greg Sanders
November 2021 by Penny Mitchell
They are having alot of sales this wk
November 2021 by Bro. George Smith
Always convenient and handy.
November 2021 by Catherine Dean
Everything from patio furniture to dog food!
November 2021 by Georgia Waldo
Love this store!
November 2021 by Anna Avirett
I can appreciate this dollar general as theres not much out past henderson for necessities. It's clean and the employers are all friendly and helpful. If they don't have exactly what I'm looking for they typically have something very similiar.
September 2021 by E. P.
Check out girl is nice all the time and we found just what we were looking for. No need to go to a big box store