Ino's Auto Services
4.2 -
75 reviews.
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Auto Repair,
Gas StationsHours:
8AM - 2PM106 S 91st Ave, Tolleson AZ 85353 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
August 2024
I've had them do work for me a few times. Always satisfied with it. Ino is fair with his prices and never has any "surprises " like some other mechanics. Where they add on more money to the job. I recommend them!
June 2024
Friendly fast and affordable
I would highly recommend
June 2024
I have a 2017 Escalade that had a broken air conditioning. Ino was able to find the fault and fix everything. Excellent service, fast and with years of experience. Thank you
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About Ino's Auto Services
Ino’s Auto Service is family owned and operated with over 30 years of experience in general mechanics. Ino began his career by working for a local dealership in Southern California. Although Ino provided for his family, his dream was to one day have his own general mechanic shop. With the support and encouragement of his family, Ino was able to fulfill his dream which is now known as Ino’s Auto Service. Located in Tolleson, AZ, Ino’s Auto Service happily began in a small garage, with the hope of expand. The business has grown, largely by word of mouth and now the auto repair company is housed in a sharp facility. When it comes to car repair in the west valley, you have many choices. Some garages specialize in one type of service, for exampl
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