September 2020 by Sylan C.
All I asked WF is to properly subtract my entire principal payment from the balance like they should have done on the date of payment. Wells Fargo is trying to commit fraud again! All I asked them to do was fix this so-called mistake and they refused. They just gave me the run around! No idea what they did????? All I know is WF is charging me interest on my incorrect balance!By accepting the principal payment and having it printed on the receipt, WF entered to an agreement to accept the principal payment! I should have been not been told it would go towards my balance if it was not going to be at the time of the deposit! Principal payments go directly towards the balance only, not interest!Principal payment is simple math. The entire principal is subtracted from the balance only! They do not need to contact me to confuse the situation or try and convince me what they did is correct! This is not the first time Wells Fargo has done questionable activities, in fact there is a Netflix (Dirty Money) special just on Wells Fargo illegal activities. This is why they have commercials that state: earning your trust back.... Now the question is how many customers is Wells Fargo doing creative accounting on or hidden fees!?