August 2024 by Heather Trujillo
This circle k is dirty a week ago I pointed out to the cashier that they needed to clean the ice machine and here a week later it hasn't been touched . It's pretty nasty there is no reason or excuse as to why this machine looks this way . If the store employee's can't clean it then they shouldn't have it running until they can get someone out to clean it . The outside of the machine can at least be cleaned by one of their employee's . Not sure if it's mold or what but either way it's nasty and can easily end up in someone's cup . The counter tops are always dirty as well where the coffee and soda machines are floors are also sticky . I understand they can get busy and what not but it take 2-3 minutes to wipe down the counter tops and same amount of time to mop the area I'm sure they can find the time in between customers to tackle those area's a few times throughout their shifts. Tonight there was a big box with some cups in it left out in the walk way where the soda machine and coffee area is .They find time to sit and have conversations with customers. While do that's they could be doing their job.
June 2024 by Kim
The female that worked today (Jordyn) 06/08/2024 at 2:30PM was so rude, angry, and discomforting and I just wanted to get out of there because of her ugly negative energy doing too much instead of paying attention to what was more important rather than talking to all of us adults way older than her like we were her children that were getting punished for something none of us did wrong after some rude typical entitled acting type male like what constantly consists of Arizona for sure, epidemically speaking, cut in front all of us in a line that was obviously formed. This clerk actually defended this idiot who tried acting like he did not see the one ☝? long line that was plain as day to see. So it was obvious she was looking for conflict instead of doing the right thing by actually defending who in fact was innocent. Hopefully she is not a manager because she is not a good person obviously to defend a a typical, rude and entitled acting male such as herself. Very ugly jealous personality she presented and has. ???
May 2024 by MJC
5-5-24 walked up to circle k from my hotel feeling down. The girl behind the counter was so nice to me she brightened my night. Didn't get her name, but the world needs more nice, pleasant, beautiful people like her. AND SHE NEEDS A RAISE!! THANK YOU
January 2024 by Alex Ayala
They have to much breaks
December 2023 by William Watchman
September 2023 by David H.
What's up with the heavy set guy that works at night. Why is he always mad ?? I hate lazy people just standing behind the automated register. And gets. Mad. When he's asked to do some work .. take some pride in what you do !!! Be nice to customers always help out. Clean ! Let me guess u don't get paid enough ?? That's literally why u are there .. and it's the reason why you don't get paid enough !! Try an honest days work !
August 2023 by Nancy LaBelle
I would give this place a minus 50 stars if I could, the Hispanic Man who stated he was the assistant manager on 8/5/23 @ 1:35pm REFUSED to refund the $8.00 I paid for gas even though HE put the money on the wrong pump!!! When I asked the Hispanic Man that was on the opposite pump about the money he stated - "MY BUDDY DIDN'T GIVE ME ANYTHING, AS HE POINTED TO THE STORE ENTRANCE"!!! Beware, this store apparently has a RIP OFF reputation. I'm not done with this store yet, I plan on contacting the DISTRICT MANAGER of this store along with the BBB and ATTORNEY GENERALS OFFICE as well. You can say that I'm being petty if you want, but with the cost of everything now $8.00 is a lot, especially for a person who lives on a fixed income and only receiving Social Security each month. This is the picture of the pump I was ripped off on and the ASSISTANT MANAGERS BUDDY'S CAR!!!
June 2023 by burgess Adam
I am coffee addected person and when ever it's talk about coffee this place is best ..
June 2023 by Dang! Dat girl Kesha
Circle K - nasty dirty and sticky.
June 2023 by 1 in A million
The manager at 19th Avenue cactus Phoenix Arizona is Hallelujah professional the machine took my money she even verified it on camera and every time I go up there to get my money she plays games she don't call back And when I found a ketchup at the store all the time she got emergency is this the type of people you are hiring Circle K something needs to be done I know it's not much money but if I gotta take yoda court at her or she needs to be fired suspension or some needs to be done not just a slap on the wrist I wouldn't advise nobody to ever go to the Circle K again
June 2023 by Julio “Peke” P
The store is always dirty, broken machines, shelves, no prices, and very unfriendly staff.
June 2023 by Julio Palomino
The store is always dirty, broken machines, shelves, no prices, and very unfriendly staff.
May 2023 by AQ Jr.
This store has been here since the 80's. I remember being a little kid "shopping" for candy here and climbing the face of the mountain by it to enjoy the goods. ?
February 2023 by Cory Tyler Creations
I went to get my daily drink at this circle k and the lady at the register called her manager because I was refilling a half gallon of blue Powerade and I was trying to use my sip and save and they were refusing to let me type in my phone number and they were making a huge deal about me filling up my half gallon of blue Powerade and the guy behind me gave them $3 and then I told the guy thank you so much for his kindness, and when me and him walked out of the store he told that those ladies are always rude to their customers and I don’t like people who cause problems purpose to make people feel comfortable or upset.. so please don’t come to this location so they won’t be supported and they won’t have the chance to ruin anyone else’s day with their uncalled for attitude!!
January 2023 by Cory Tyler C.
I went to get my daily drink at this circle k, and I went to a different location than I normally go to because I thought it would be more convenient and the lady at the register was giving me mean looks and when it was my turn in line she called her manager because I was refilling a half gallon of blue Powerade and I was trying to use my sip and save and they were both refusing to let me type in my phone number and they were making a huge deal about me filling up my half gallon of blue Powerade and I never have had a problem with a refill at any other circle k and I was sure that I told them when they started yelling at me about my half gallon that I refill everyday and then the guy behind me gave them $3 and then I told the guy thank you so much for his kindness, and when me and him walked out of the store he told that those ladies are always rude to their customers and I don't like people who cause problems purposely to make people feel comfortable or upset.. so please don't come to this location so they won't be supported and they won't have the chance to ruin anyone else's day with their uncalled for attitude!!