July 2024 by LittleMac84
Is it ok to for the cleark to play any music they want form their phone, through the Stores Blue Tooth Speaker? I heard nothing but profanity from the song playing during my purchase. There was a young boy and his Grnadmother infront of me in line. Every other word was a cuss word or the "*" word.( guess the word).
I bet the owner would let that music play when they are in the store.
December 2023 by Vesna Petrovic
I will never step foot into this circle k, thanks to a cashier there dark hair medium to heavy set older lady that works there is very unprofessional and rude. I disagreed with how she treated a customer, when I had returned a week later a young gentlemen was behind the register I told him what I needed and this same lady proceeded to come to the front of the store to tell me she didn’t appreciate what I did, I explained to her that I didn’t like the way she was treating the other customer. She began verbally attacking stating would I like her badge so on and so forth. Well fast forward to tonight, I have not set foot into that store since this incident, I was with my family at our local Walmart and that cashier happened to be there. She proceeded to verbally attack us laugh in our faces, tell me she got a promotion, and she did this all in front of my 11 month and 8 year old sons, while using inappropriate language. Beware.
September 2023 by rob ward
This place never disappointed
September 2023 by Professor Prestome UngYoBrock
Circle K saves lives
August 2023 by Matthew
Not America's thirst trap
July 2023 by emily geffert
I really hope this reaches the right person. 9:30pm on July 12th, I had just got off of an emotionally and physically 12 hour shift and needed gas. As I was filling up, there's was a group of 6 large men standing in the shadows of the parking lot definitely doing something they should not have been doing. I am 5'5 and 120 pounds. As I was filling up my car, I saw 2 of them begin to approach me, while the others stood back laughing, one pulled his car to the pump next to mine. I needed to go in to grab caffeine for the next morning. I frantically ran in. The cashier, I believe the name tag said Jello, could tell something was wrong. She insisted on walking me out to my car after I told her I felt unsafe. Even though we are both the same height and weight, this act of kindness made me realize that there are good people in the world. She deserves a great recognition for being willing to put her safety in jeopardy for a complete stranger.
July 2023 by Tommy Brown
The young cashier with the face piercing was so rude and smug it's hard to believe that she is in customer service and the funny thing about it is I think the manager was sitting right there next to her as she was being completely rude not only to me but to other customers as well I will go out of my way to avoid this circle thing from now and anybody that wants a friendly cashier should not go here
June 2023 by Cassandra S.
Every cashier here is completely inappropriate. I live right next door and have only came here twice. I'd rather drive to QT to avoid circle k. One cashier was arguing with a boyfriend and he took out a knife. And now tonight the cashier was rude and was too worried about flirting with a man In line then cashing the line of 5 people out. Never again
June 2023 by Tobi Marquez
Always Friendly staff. In and out.
May 2023 by Marius Bodestean
Be aware there's no diesel here.This place can take a clening also
March 2023 by Zach Russell
Manager refused to sell products as he was counting his drawer at 1pm.. what
February 2023 by Tami Everett
Nice clean store
September 2022 by Jared Y.
Sale signs on cooler doors didn't get applied at checkout. Hopefully it was a one time error but Id be checkin
September 2022 by David G
A Circle K with an OPEN bathroom at 10pm
July 2022 by odai alqadi
Sara the manager on her period and treating everyone like garbage. Do your self a favour and don’t go to this Karen store