January 2023 by Megan Smith
Professional, friendly, honest. Feel safe in my community.
January 2023 by Donald Feldman
I want to thank the Maricopa PD and specifically officer Rausch. Last week we were expecting a relative for lunch and knew they were in our community because the gate had let them in. After three hours no relative. We were worried as they had some medical issues and it was 110 out! After driving our neighborhood to no avail I contacted the non emergency dispatcher about the situation. They were extremely helpful and immediately started the wheels in motion. Officer Rausch came to our house and determined they could ping their cell phone. He was polite, concerned and said he’d see this through til my relative was found. Within a half hour they located the general area and tracked the signal. The relative was confused and attempting to get back to Mesa was headed towards Tucson! They continued tracking and communicated with the highway patrol. My relative figured out the error, got turned around and headed to their home in Mesa. Officer Rausch coordinated with the Mesa PD and had an officer waiting at my relatives home for a wellness check when they arrived. Hats off to the Maricopa PD, the dispatcher whose name I didn’t get and all the surrounding PDs and support. What could have been a bad situation was managed and other than being embarrassed nothing bad happened. This is an excellent case of serve and protect and speaks volumes about the dedicated peace officers helping the community every day.
January 2023 by Kerry Stennett-V
What's to say really. Support your local police officers. It's a tough job for them. Each one has taken an oath to protect the community. They will take a bullet for their citizens. That's one of the reasons they signed the dotted line.Show your appreciation whenever you encounter a police officer.
January 2023 by Jason Bovey
I was just driving on the 347 about 3 minutes away from the city of Maricopa. There's a motorcycle all over the place going to cause an accident. And I called The non-emergency line so she could have somebody meet this guy as he gets into Maricopa. But she transfers me to totally different Police department. I expect customer service to be bad at fast food places but definitely not at a police station. Oh well
January 2021 by Marie Dickinson
My first review of the police was negative mostly of things that happened in the past. I felt the need to leave a updated one that reflects my interaction with the police today. The lady who took my call and the officer I spoke to were kind and professional. I feel like I have their support and I thank them for their service.
January 2020 by Kenia Valenzuela
So fast and very kind
January 2020 by Ms Hop
My experience with those who are overseeing our public safety has always been positive. I respect their position and likewise have been given respect. Its hard work for a growing city like Maricopa. Thank you for your public service.
January 2020 by ShooterFD
I met Two Maricopa PD’s Officers.Being a visitor from out of town, I asked some questions and received Courteous, Helpful, Friendly responses !I treated them with the courtesy and respect they deserved !They responded the same way !Frank DumovicOhio
January 2020 by Kristen Berg
It made me feel more comfortable that there was a female officer sent to talk to me, and you guys followed through pressing charges against the man trying to hurt me. When I lived in Phoenix I was always worried, and you guys made me feel safe. Thank you.
January 2019 by Revolution Recorder
Based on videos I have seen, they would rather enforce the will of the elite, rather than the law.
January 2019 by Sarah Straub
I love this police department. Thank you for all you do!
January 2019 by Mckayla B.
January 2019 by Hanse Calums
Absolutely dripping with corruption- without a doubt.Do you like to be treated as guilty until proven innocent? Do you like seeing upwards of 2 police every time you drive down the 347? Do you like being pulled over for (almost) no reason due to the police's boredom from a surplus of officers? Then you'll love the MPD!Really, though. The police are supposed to make you feel safe; they've done the complete opposite as far as I'm concerned. Police are supposed to exist for the greater good of the town, but these police seem to only be interested in punishment and image.
January 2019 by Kenya, Your Premier BBW Formally Kenya of Colorado
Corrupt is quite the understatement. I am a disabled veteran on a fixed income. They entered my home stemming from a domestic violence altercation with my grown daughter. Couple of days earlier I have withdrawn $200 from the ATM to pay a bill They confiscated it. They gave no justifiable reason for keeping the $200 & the crooks wont return it. Can u say "self- serving civil servants!?" How lame is Maricopa when the police actually ROB its citizens? I guess the pay is substandard too. They gave me a receipt showing that they took my $200 but they just refuse to give it back and what's worse is that they ransacked my house and when they were finished $20 came up missing out of the center console of my vehicle as well as an expensive lighter that I ordered online plus one of my phone's is missing too. If it had not happened to me, I wouldn't believe it. They are so comfortable in their egregious Behavior because they don't feel that they can be stopped, I felt like they came in my home and just raped and molested me & that have no recourse at all. Can you say over abuse of power I just pray to God that the feds will come and check this place out
January 2019 by Kim McKellar
The officer responding my call of criminal harassment, assault and threats to do bodily harm did not recognize the "evidence" of these crimes. It took me many hours and now 7 business days and counting to find out who to petition to react my address from the police report record, how to explain to the street officer why this was a crime, get the Sgt., Lt. and now Commander to answer my question about redaction, speak with victims' unit and police chief's office many, many times. Maricopa is not in good hands with current trainIng and education of officers. As the town attracts more and more people, this will only worsen. The Fire Dept. also responded and they were very professional and even kind.