Bright Beginnings School
400 N Andersen Blvd, Chandler AZ 85224
Most Recent Comments
March 2023
My girls have been going to this school for the last couple years. I don't have any complaints. My kids like their teachers, they all have great friends, and speak positive about the school. I selected this school because they offer PE, Art, and Spanish. I want my kids to get a little of everything in school.
November 2019
I am looking forward to my son to starting here. I have been really impressed with their curriculum for the young students.
November 2017
I have my two daughters in this school and they are doing great. I'm amazed at how far ahead they are then the public school system. I just wish they had a junior high for my kids to go to.
More Comments(12)
From Bright Beginnings School
Bright Beginnings is a private preschool and Kindergarten - 6th grade public charter school that teaches to the whole child. Accelerated academics are paired with excellent art, music, Spanish language and physical education for well-rounded students who are thoroughly prepared for success in junior high and beyond.
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