November 2023 by Bradley Woolworth
Ever since the new owners in 2019 this store said screw anyone one who doesn’t have A 32 waist. Before the remodel I could find my size in everything they carry. Thanks big ray for forcing what you think people should look like on to others. Even the guy who works there is like they catalogs go much higher than what they carry.
November 2023 by Katie Gillum
Really sweet staff who had a nice chat with me about dopamine dressing. 5 stars for those lovely ladies. Had less women's variety than men's that wasn't very floofy, but had what I needed.
October 2023 by 1bluedevilfan
Only place to buy outdoor gear in Alaska. Their customer service was off the charts. Helped me out of a jam with some footwear not originally purchased there. Recommend some excellent gloves for my specific needs out on Adak birding. Top notch.
October 2023 by amy gum
I wanted to give one star becuase, Gina, at the front desk was very short and rude and when I asked for help all she did was point and tell me the specific item I was looking was "over there" when she finally came to help me I asked her to hold on so I could download an image to show a more up close image of what I was looking for she walked away and left me there. The reason I'm giving 5 stars was for a young lady that helped me as soon as she saw me standing there not knowing what to do, because this isn't a store I ever shop at. She was very helpful, but I didn't catch her name.
October 2023 by Anna Alexie
I didn't have a good experience with the worker her name is Laurie she is not friendly giving me hard time seem alittle racist she had a whole attitude towards me she didn't want to give mediscounts also she kept saying she can't except my badge it doesn't prove I'm working the also she I could be fired today she is rude and mean keep saying she's new I will never go there again she's mean I didn't want her services . The guy that was helping her had to explain that I can use my badge to be honest she doesn't treat anyone with respect .
September 2023 by Michael Evans
The Quality is worth the cost and the convenience Big Ray's have proven to me when It comes to exchanging items. I really appreciate no hassle on the return I made.
August 2023 by KCAlaska Anchorage
Good selection of sizes but commonly worn pants sizes were out just like other stores. But nice variety of items and name brands. I ended up spending way to much but my husband loved everything so it was worth it.
August 2023 by Matt Moore
They have a great selection of Carhartt pants, overalls, shorts, etc. They also surprised me by having fishing gear too.
July 2023 by Melissa Rappleye
I just visited Big Ray's for the first time and I am an Alaskan, I wish I had gone here sooner! Forget REI and other expensive places, I really liked Big Ray's They have affordable prices and the best selection for children's outdoor gear. Their workers were very kind and knowledgeable. And their prices were good! I drove to REI, Bass Pro, Cabela's, and even second hand stores looks for children's and youth's rain gear... the good heavy duty rubber jackets and pants. Big Ray's was the only place that had something like that at all and the price was good. $34 for a rubber rain jacket, that was long and covered the tush. $24 for pants! I was able to gear up my 12 year old and 15 year old.
July 2023 by B K
Great selection of brands so that I don’t have to order online... Helly Hansen, Carhartt, Grundens, etc. Store is clean with friendly employees
July 2023 by Shaunae Bouaseng
Wonderful service! Picked up cute rain suit for my daughter!
May 2023 by Alex Cavender
Excellent service and stock. Shout out to Jennifer for her patience and professionalism in helping me find the specialty size if garment I needed. Will definitely be a returning customer.
May 2023 by ALICE PETER
My husband & I went shopping in there to get what he needed they also let us put our belongings at their front when we asked they were all friendly & let us join to be a member.
March 2023 by Richard Osburn
Always the go-to outfitter for Alaskan and any other work or worldly adventures. They have gone out of their way to mail me items to the lower 48 between Polar work deployments! That's service you can depend on!
February 2023 by Christine Anderson
It was great there...I bought 2 pairs of high dollar shoes on sale!!!