January 2023 by Timothy Reves
It was great
March 2022 by Mary Kathryn Weithoner
❤ old school pumps! Kids today wouldn't know how to operate! ⛽
March 2021 by Hunter Burt
Graters to the college students mostly and has everything you need, what's more to ask for or want? Gets the job done and thats what matters. Could use a little pick me up though, kind of not comfortable, not welcoming, just puts off a bad vibe bc of how dark, and gloomy it is in there and squished .
November 2020 by Hunterbros1
Graters to the college students mostly and has everything you need, what's more to ask for or want? Gets the job done and thats what matters. Could use a little pick me up though, kind of not comfortable, not welcoming, just puts off a bad vibe bc of how dark, and gloomy it is in there and squished .
March 2020 by Robert S
January 2020 by R. E. Swain
Typical gas station
November 2019 by Wesley Green
Gas station
October 2019 by Ray Newman
Small but well stocked with store Supplys
August 2019 by Derrick Huey
A little outdated but nice people and non-ethenol gas
May 2019 by James Ostrander
Staff was extremely friendly. Only down draw and I find it quite often in businesses in this area is that they have no public restroom.
April 2019 by Ash B
December 2018 by Earrl Whitaker
Nice place
June 2018 by ZD Mc
Old and run down, but does sell real gas without Ethanol in it. I always by gas for my small engines here.
April 2018 by John Seagle
Good price on cigarettes and friendly service!
March 2018 by Misty Smith
The cashier is pretty cool