February 2024
I have been a very satisfied customer of Fairhope card for at least 25 years. I have never been disappointed in anything that they have. The cards are special and I love both the outside and the inside of the cards. The messages that the cards send are wonderful and a blessing to me and to the recipient.
March 2023
The puzzles are a wonderful blessing to me. At 73 I like to sit and watch the news and a bit of TV but working on a puzzles blesses my soul without wasting my time sitting still!! I love to memorize the verse and do the Bible Study that they send with the puzzle. Bless you beyond words for your ministry.
March 2023
I have, with great thanks to you for your puzzles, and and for whomever had them originally to me! I must however cancel continuing with your service as I am a senior citizen with health problems. May God greatly bless you for your service.