February 2024 by Patrice Stuart
Bought some bake cookies yesterday and they were no good from the new one
November 2023 by Heather Hall
Thank you for Excellent customer service!
February 2023 by Katie B.
The amount of times I have had to put stuff back on the shelf bc is was expired Don't even get me started on the broken door and the isles full of boxes
September 2021 by Jeff Crawford
Isles are always cluttered
September 2021 by Ashley Welborn
September 2021 by Steven
Friendly employees
September 2021 by Tesha Williams
Need more cashier's
September 2021 by Victoria Lacey (Vickie)
Stand in line to long
September 2021 by Claudia Underwood
Polite workers
September 2021 by Robert Rogers
It was good
April 2021 by Diana Maye
Always a great experience!
April 2021 by Regina Evins-Lee
It was okay but lines was long
April 2021 by Brian G. Perser, Sr.
Nice atmosphere
March 2021 by Cary Brassfield
My brother and his wife stopped to buy charcoal and lighter fluid but at the checkout the Clerk said he was not allowed to sell the off brand fluid but directed us to the Kingsford brand which was more expensive. But the shelves were stocked plentifully with the off brand on display. I told the clerk I was confused why they had the occasion brand on shelves but couldn't sell them? We ended up leaving in disgust and dissatisfied.
February 2021 by Baileyplayz Roblox
Isles are always cluttered