John J. Greco, MD

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927 Franklin St SE, Huntsville AL 35801


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From John J. Greco, MD

Dr. Greco is a member of The Orthopaedic Center Sports Medicine Team. He is board-certified in orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine. He specializes in arthroscopic and open reconstruction of the knee and shoulder. Dr. Greco is a volunteer Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama School of Medicine, Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine, and the University of Alabama in Birmingham Medical School. Dr. Greco specializes in patellofemoral knee pain and rotator cuff treatment. He is an avid outdoorsman in both hunting and fishing, and treats many outdoorsmen for various ailments of the shoulder, knee, and elbow.

Other Information

Specialties: Orthopaedic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Sports Med, Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery

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