The Square in Gulf Shores has it all! Whether you're looking for shopping, art, food, music, alternative products, beauty salon services, mortgage advice, real estate, bakery products or attorney needs, The Square is the place you'll find all of it!
July 2021
So many great shops here! Love stopping by for lunch!! Great outdoor seating area toward the back. Free Wi-Fi and mural views at Swiger Studio!!
The Square, Gulf Shores is a unique shopping center with a collection of retail shops, offices, and restaurants. Join us for First Saturday every first Saturday of the month for great food, retail specials, and LIVE MUSIC outdoors! Visit one of our many shops including David's Gallery Hippie Boutique, FLAVR Nitrogen Ice Cream Lab, Brookman's Smokehouse, Peace Love & Tacos, OB Vapors, Swiger Studio Art Gallery and Design Studio, A Sweet Secret Bakery and Cafe, CBD Pharmer, Swiger & Company, Realtors, Michael Santos, Attorney, Stephanie T's Salon, Assurance Financial, and Cardinal Financial. Grab a taco, some ribs, and a cupcake and come see us! We're all waiting to meet you!