We arrived about 10 minutes before closing time and we are from our of town. The employee turned the lights back on and allowed us to look around. She didn't have to do that.
April 2022
Great store. Has tons of different items and a great staff.
March 2020
I like they're set up I like how they had it laid out it was very easy to see everything great place to go very nice people and very good products
Upscale lingerie store that carries adult toy products, bondage products, gemstones, sage ,to a little of everything. If we don't have it we will order it! Although we are only open 3 days in Troy and one afternoon in Babbie, we do schedule after hour appointments if needed at both locations! The Andalusia(Babbie) store we accept appointments on ANY Day or Night...I just can't afford to hire a 5 day a week employee at either location to be honest. The Troy location has me there and I'm happy to meet on way home to save you the trip as well. Hope everyone has a Blessed Day and Come See Me!!! My cell (334) 488-1366 for appointments.