Wayne's Automotive
Auto Repair,
Gas StationsHours:
331 High St, Mineral Point WI 53565 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
January 2021
A great place to have work done on your vehicle with fast and friendly service.
April 2017
Waynes is the best car service garage in Iowa County , Wisconsin. Get your oil changed here and ask for a tire rotation too. Friendly service with inexpensive prices too.
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About Wayne's Automotive
Wayne's Automotive is the trusted name in auto repair and maintenance services for families across our area. Our team is dedicated to providing the best workmanship and customer experience possible, with ASE-certified technicians on staff to service your vehicle. As a NAPA AutoCare Center, we back qualifying work through nationwide warranty. Our shop uses high-quality parts and meets all requirements necessary to provide the automotive service and customer service you expect and value from your service provider. We appreciate your patronage and believe in integrity and honesty. Our staff is available to answer any questions and ensure your experience is a positive one.
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