June 2024 by meghan cullen
This store is a little on the pricey end but the quality of their toys are better than those I would find on Amazon. I try to shop here for Christmas and birthday to support smaller companies but I’m unsure if I will return after our experience today. I spent a good amount of time with my toddler walking around the store, she picked a stuffed animal but started to be a handful before I was able to find a toy for her brother. So I purchased her stuffed kitty and figured I would check out other stores. The whole time we were there I felt like I was being monitored by staff. It felt very awkward. I wasn’t able to find a toy for my son at the other stores so I returned with the toddler asleep in her stroller. I picked up a fire man figurine and thought this will work until I saw a unique 3D dragon puzzle. I grabbed the puzzle and put the figurine back on the shelf three feet away all while being monitored by a young staff member with short brown hair. She was so close to me that I had to say excuse me to grab the 3D puzzle that was directly behind her. I went directly to the counter to check out and she followed to ring me up. She rung up the puzzle and then questioned me about the figurine. I told her I put it back when I grabbed this, took everything out my pockets and offered for her to search my belongs. I understand that theft has increased dramatically in the last year but accusing your honest customers of stealing is offensive. It made me feel really uncomfortable and had I not already looked at the other stores and came up short on finding a gift for my son I would have walked out without purchasing that puzzle. You would think if the staff is going to monitor their customers so closely than they would also see them put items back on the shelf only a few feet in front of them. I am unsure if we will return after this uncomfortable experience.
January 2024 by Stall Bro
Nice board game shop. Too pricey, but good selection
September 2023 by Omar Qaisi
Want to pay 50% more for card packs? This is the place!
May 2023 by Elias Hernandez
The Best
March 2023 by G A
Based on my experience here, this store is pretty good overall. Various toys, trinkets, games, etc. for small children to older ones. Prices are a tad bit on the higher end compared to other places. Customer service was fine. Would recommend this place.
March 2023 by Scott Barton
Lots of fun stuff here.
March 2023 by Bilbo Baggins
Great store, nice slection of games and stuff. Staff was super helpful and polite.
March 2022 by Chris Cameron
My wife purchased 10 chilling reign Pokémon packs from this store in Tulalip. Upon opening the 10 packs it was discovered that the packs were searched and resealed.My son and I open upwards of 60 acks a week and have exceptional knowledge regarding the TCG. I noticed right away that cards were flipped over in most of the packs. This is not normal. Secondly each pack's cards were upside down as well (tops of cards were at the bottom of the booster wrapper). The third thing that became apparent upon opening the packs was the rare card slot pack had common cards instead of the rare card( with a star in the lower corner) like unopened packs have. Only 2 packs out of 10 had a rare card and they were non hollows at that.I was excited to find older packs at a great price but after opening them I am truly discouraged. 10 packs didn't break the bank but it led to a lengthy discussion with my 10 year old son about how to spot fake cards, resealed packs and explaining that not all people selling cards can be trusted.I would love the opportunity to be granted store credit for my purchase if nothing else, to select another set of cards and see if other booster boxes at this store are resealed as well. I am not taking this personal as I know business is business however I would like to see this dealt with in a professional manner.Called the store and spoke to a respectful young man, he took down my information and told me I would be contacted by either the manager or owner. Lets hope the shop makes this right.