July 2023 by Barbara Davis
This is a part time security job for me
October 2022 by 804
We all hope this city can continue to build high rises. 600 feet or more possibly. This city needs an identity when you pass it
May 2022 by Justin Maddra
Beautiful sculpture of metal. Made a delivery to the bank on the first floor.
May 2022 by kent romska
Downtown Richmond is coming back to life and it begins at gateway plaza.
May 2021 by Alex Ratti
June 2020 by Connie Pryor
Most of the stores are closed. No decorations for the second year. Very disappointing
June 2020 by Xavier Knight
A place to some sight seeing.
June 2017 by TL Oxendine
Absolutely gorgeous building! The artwork and craftsmanship is breathtaking!! Amazing bank and wonderful staff all around at TowneBank at Gateway Plaza!