June 2024 by R. Paul Shaheen
You can't beat their huge hamburgers for only $2.99!
May 2024 by J Toast
Seems like they hate .asking change in this town act like if they have to make change they will go bankrupt or some this
May 2024 by Stephony Craig Lacy
Good competitive price
April 2024 by Amy Wheeless
Convenient bathroom, tasty breakfast burrito!
March 2024 by Lawrence Cole
Bathroom stop and shopped for snacks. Staff was nice.
October 2023 by Taran
I buy corn dogs and tea from here every Wednesday. Everyone is always friendly to me.
September 2023 by Lon
Quick gas stop.
August 2023 by lazaro garcia
The sign says one price on gas for kickback rewards and you slide outside and it don't work. Not cool
August 2023 by Stupid Idiot
My mom used to work here. It was so much better because she actually did her job unlike the people who work there now. The nozzles for the soda machines do not get washed and the soda tastes dirty. The girl that works there is a girl I know, and quite frankly, not the best person. Not many food options, the pizza tastes gross and it's always hard as rock. Bathrooms are discusting. Other than that it's alright. No effort put I to this store though.
August 2023 by Google user
My mom used to work here. It was so much better because she actually did her job unlike the people who work there now. The nozzles for the soda machines do not get washed and the soda tastes dirty. The girl that works there is a girl I know, and quite frankly, not the best person. Not many food options, the pizza tastes gross and it's always hard as rock. Bathrooms are discusting. Other than that it's alright. No effort put I to this store though.
August 2023 by Denise Cargle
Clean store they have hot food. And half price hamburgers on Tuesday.
August 2023 by Carl Alders
Had to get gas and restroom in a small town. Was typical convenience store near roadway and friendly staff.
July 2023 by Mason Valdrep
Used to be a stop I would make anytime going through meridian. Now they have permanently done away with the Bean beef and cheese burritos that I’ve gotten here since I was a kid. May as well go to Allsups, at least have more options
June 2023 by Jerod Herda
Nice gas station. Really clean restrooms.
May 2023 by Jennifer Rice
My husband and I got caught in a bad rain storm, he on his motorcycle, me in the car. We stopped here so he could warm up and dry off a little and wait out the worst of the storm. The clerk was so sweet and let us stay as long as we needed.