Highgrade Auto Center
Auto Repair,
Convenience Stores
1315, 4255 S Kirkwood Rd c, Houston TX 77072
Most Recent Comments
October 2018
This place is a dump. It looks more like a junk yard then a mechanic shop. The owner, Chuck, is a thief. He uses parts from other cars. Used parts from junk yards. Lies to the customers. Leaves the shop unattended. Stay away frpm this dump.
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From Highgrade Auto Center
Accidents happen! that we all know. Highgrade Auto Center expertly trained technicians can fix your car, repair your dents, and get you back on the road and back to your life.
Our goal is simple, to create an uncommon experience for our customers in need of auto service and repair.
If you’re having problems with your vehicle, we invite you to call our friendly team today. We understand how important your car is to you, and we appreciate how valuable you are to our business. We will take care of your car. Come try the difference at HIGHGRADE AUTO CENTER
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