American Tire Distributors
Auto Repair,
Tire DealersHours:
917 Rosewood Dr #4637, Columbia SC 29201 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
August 2024
Lennon smith is the man! Always on time with a smile on his face!
October 2019
Has been an essential part of our business for as long as I can remember. Always happy to help and easy to deal with.
May 2016
great place to get tires at good a good price , and large selection to choose from
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About American Tire Distributors
American Tire Distributors (ATD) is the leading name in the tire distribution industry, renowned for its vast inventory and exceptional service. With a nationwide network, ATD provides unparalleled access to top-tier tire brands, automotive retailers, repair shops, and more. Offering a comprehensive range of products, including tires for various vehicles and specialized applications, ATD ensures customers find the perfect fit for their needs. We are your one connected hub for every automotive aftermarket need.
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