September 2022 by David Kenneth
The service was fine employees ok the problem was at the pharmacy the qualityof drugs they felt like placebo as ive been on for over 25 years i called said they must have made mistake they stated no new generics itried to return them they said no not without a dr.s consent got one they were like angry child other person in room (pharmacy ) stated same issue they stated my insurance was not good enough for effective drug i was used to i went to sams club they were 12.99 at alina abott they wanted 109.99 or 119.99 so they explained at sams club what was going on they make alina abott much more off cheap generics so they push them onclients with insurance thatsnot as good saving good ones for preferred clients. Says it all right here the good drugs go to preferred clients good insurance wealthy and lesser generic make much more profit off poor or lesser insurance they didneven work chinese or something they said.they were 2 levels down from good ( normal drug).we have some they said for clients that pay more i was blownaway as i had worked there in 76-80 for secuity before they were born im 66.if you have $$ they roll it out if not they kick u out they did me on nother occasionstating they needex my bed i was having alergic reation to food instead of epi pin they gave me steroid and benedrill stating it was cheaper but makes you look and feel dk. They are surposed to keep you under observation said they needed my bed i could barely walk security 4 goof balls grabbed me refused to give me id.called police held me and i had an arm band onthey wouldnt look at cops came saw arm band and just said your surposed to ke.ep here until safe to leave walking so you figure it out i worked security there in 70s 4 years they dont listenand are rude othrwise better than dead.