Mike and Son Towing LLC

Auto Repair, Auto Detailing, Towing
701 N McKinley St, Knoxville IA 50138


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About Mike and Son Towing LLC

Mikes Towing has all the equipment needed to handle all your light to medium duty towing needs, from cars, trucks, boats, motorcycles, to trailers and sheds. For a simple tow across town to a rolled-over pick-up in the ditch, Mikes Towing has the equipment and trained personnel to handle any of your towing needs. Mikes Towing is not just all about towing; we are the complete roadside service provider for everything, including a simple tire change, fuel delivery and unlock service. If our crew cannot fix you up and get you back on the road, we can recommend highly skilled repair shops instead. We work with most roadside assistance companies, as well all major insurances companies.

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