Aroma Park Auto, Inc.
Auto Repair
207 S Bridge St, Aroma Park IL 60910
Most Recent Comments
February 2023
Fantastic Service with mechanics that understand you're needs and delivers as promise.
February 2021
Had an old truck that was in good shape overall, but had some problems that needed fixing. Very professional staff talked me through everything they would do, gave me a great price and got the job done quickly. They got my loyalty!Services: Tires
From Aroma Park Auto, Inc.
Aroma Park Auto, Inc. offers a wide range of automotive services. It is ultimately the goal of the company to offer a one-stop shop for all of your automotive needs.
Some of the auto repair services we offer are
- Scheduled maintenance
- Tire repair
- Comprehensive engine repair
- Transmission
- Brakes and suspension repair/replacement
These are just a few of the services that we will offer at Aroma Park Auto, Inc. For other inquiries you can reach the shop at 815-304-4114 or just come on by.
Each repair will be on a reservation basis, although we will be accepting a small percentage of drive in repair work.
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