Cuenca Cigars: A Storied Haven for Cigar Aficionados With an unrivaled selection and the charisma of a seasoned connoisseur, Cuenca Cigars stands as a beacon for those who appreciate the ritual and camaraderie that accompany a fine cigar. This isn't just a cigar bar; it's a destination where every puff is an indulgence and every brand tells a tale. Lounge in Elegance or Bask Alfresco Immerse yourself in our luxuriously appointed lounge or revel in people-watching from our charming outdoor patio. Whether you come solo to savor the solitude or gather your squad for an evening of refined relaxation, Cuenca Cigars has a spot for you. A Rendezvous for Every Cigar Enthusiast in the look up of elusive Arturo Fuente Opus X.