November 2021 by Mary Lou H.
My Company priced shopped a unit that we would need for about 18 months - the sales person was helpful and when we talked price it definitely was "Per MONTH" We started paying by check and a month or two into the contract had to start paying it online via credit card because they started charging a $10 paper check fee - which is BS they are getting paid after all. For the Credit Card payments, their website doesn't allow you to set up payments for future dates to pay ON the due date (also BS) so I set a calendar reminder for when that bill was due. A few months go by and I start getting late fees - so I take a closer look at the statements and bills only cover what looks like a 27 or 28 day period - so I pull up the contract the director signed and refers to "1 Rental period" and then down in the fine print it states: "the term of the unit lease commences upon the date of delivery of a unit and continues on a monthly (meaning every 28 days) basis" That is some kind of slimy business practice - SO BUYER BEWARE - MOBIL MINI'S YEAR HAS 13 MONTHS - so it may not be the deal you thought you were getting. And the sales person knew we were price shopping and never mentioned the 13th 'rental period' .. they know they are lying to you ... we are done with Mobil Mini!